Our resources are organized into six sections. Please click the section you prefer to see all the relevant content.

Why have we structured the website in six sections? And what does each section contain?
Putting all the content into a single section would make it much harder for you to find what you are looking for. Of course, you could use our search function, but not always will you know what words to use in your search.

The six sections help you start looking in the more useful direction. For example, if you haven’t started dating yet and would like to ready yourself for the process, you would turn to the Prepare section. Or if you are trying to decide about actually getting engaged to someone, you are going to be interested in the Commit section.

Our six sections are in two main categories: The first category has to do with the overall process of dating, and the second category covers the three main stages in the actual dating process, which we explain in detail in a full article here.

Once you have chosen the section that you are most interested in, have a look around inside. You may be surprised by all kinds of interesting topics that could be helpful for you.

Our “Shorts” page contains summaries of most of the articles, as well as items of advice and insight that only exist on that page. It too is structured according to the six sections to make it easier for you to find the most relevant content.

Here is a short description of each of the six sections:

Preparing for your Successful Dating


You will find thought-provoking materials to help you gain greater clarity about what you want from life and from marriage, from choosing your priorities in a mate, to dealing with emotional baggage, to addressing sensitive issues like physical or mental illness. >> open


We cover all things shadchan-related, as well as how to network broadly for dating suggestions. You will find here strategies and tips on conducting research, interacting with parents and mentors, preparing your shidduch profile, and how to cope with the difficult feelings of disappointment or rejection.  >>open


This section covers a range of tips and ideas to generate good conversations, from listening and questioning skills. It offers great perspectives on the practice of dating, from dating etiquette to being presentable on a date, from understanding your own and your date’s personality, to recognizing when and how to seek outside assistance. >>open

Phases of Dating


This section addresses the first few dates, especially how to assess a suitable level of compatibility. Read about whether to trust your instinct, what to reveal during the first dates, how to handle surprising information, how to spot red flags, how to understand personality types, and what you may choose to do if the first dates didn’t go too well. >>open


Lots of ideas to help you develop the connection, as well as how you can tell whether the person you are dating is likely to be your suitable spouse and life-partner. We address a multitude of topics, such as if something is bothering you about your date, whether you are settling for second best, what to do if you are not developing emotional feelings. >>open


In this section, we have lots of really helpful materials to see you through the final phase of dating, from what you need to know and discuss before making a final decision to how to deal with remaining niggling doubt, from what to do if the other person isn’t ready to how best to propose. >>open